Setting up Thunderbird
- 07/06/2019 14:56
To setup your account in Thunderbird
1. Launch Thunderbird
2. Right Click on Local Folders and go to Settings
3. Click on Account Functions and Add Mail Account
4. Click Continue where Thunderbird will try and detect your settings:
5. Thunderbird will most likely fail to get the account settings. When it does, it will prompt you to enter in your Server address and port. For this enter:
Incoming IMAP
server: *your server address*
Port: 993
Authentication: Autodetect
Outgoing SMTP
server: *your server address*
Port: 465
Authentication: Autodetect
Make sure your Username for both Incoming and outgoing if your Full Email address
For example:
6. Click Re-test to test your account settings. It will check your settings and highlight any errors.
If the account didn't give any errors after running the Re-test, click Done to save your account.
7. Your mail account should now be listed in Thunderbird and should begin syncing your mailbox