cPanel Reseller Hosting

Reseller Starter

30 GB Web Hosting Space
30 cPanel Accounts
Cloud Linux - Protected Hosting
LiteSpeed Web Server
Unlimited Monthly Traffic
Unlimited MySQL/MariaDB Databases
Free LetsEncrypt SSL SSL
Git and Terminal Access
DDoS Protection
R1 CDP Backups

Reseller Standard

100 GB Web Hosting Space
50 cPanel Accounts
Cloud Linux - Protected Hosting
LiteSpeed Web Server
Unlimited Monthly Traffic
Unlimited MySQL/MariaDB Databases
Free LetsEncrypt SSL SSL
Git and Terminal Access
DDoS Protection
R1 CDP Backups

Reseller Professional

250 GB Web Hosting Space
100 cPanel Accounts
Cloud Linux - Protected Hosting
LiteSpeed Web Server
Unlimited Monthly Traffic
Unlimited MySQL/MariaDB Databases
Free LetsEncrypt SSL SSL
Git and Terminal Access
DDoS Protection
R1 CDP Backups

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